Changing the way you think with
Training your brain to self regulate
Neurofeedback Retrains Irregular Brainwaves and Decreases Unwanted Symptoms.
Ideal for those suffering with
Benefits Include
Ideal for those suffering with
Benefits Include

Brain Center AZ is located inside The American Center for Biological Medicine, one of the largest Biological Medical facilities in the US.
Neurofeedback uses the brain’s neuroplasticity to rewire and create optimal patterns for a highly functioning brain!
- Previously, scientists thought the brain’s structure was “hard-wired” and unchangeable.
- New research has taught us that the brain is actually PLASTIC, it is able to change based on experiences. This is called NEUROPLASTICITY
Welcome To The Brain Center Of Arizona!
Neurofeedback therapy is a natural, non-invasive, medication-free process designed to improve brain function and boost peak performance. Also known as Brain Training, this groundbreaking approach incorporates state-of-the-art equipment with the expertise of our professionally trained staff.
Neurofeedback therapy has been studied for over 40 years with extensive research to back its efficacy.
Neurofeedback is a proven form of brain exercise for the brain. Several issues in the brain are believed to be the result of irregular, imbalanced, or unhealthy EEG patterns. Chemically altering these imbalances with medication frequently lead to dependency or unwanted side effects. Neurofeedback will provide a drug-free treatment that naturally corrects these imbalances.
The Neurofeedback Process
Brain Map Pricing
includes Brain Map and Consultation$495

Treatment options
Neurofeedback utilizes a non-invasive technique for monitoring brain activity. Small electrodes are attached to the head while our software records the brain waves and displays the data in real time. During this time the patient is watching a movie or listening to music. The software compares the incoming brainwaves to that of an optimal brainwave in the target range. If the brainwaves deviate from normal ranges, it triggers the audio or video to fade. The brain automatically detects this and refocuses itself back into the proper range. This process is called operant conditioning and is repeated hundreds of times per session. Sessions usually last approximately 30 minutes.
How We Monitor
A personalized questionnaire is provided to the client on the first appointment for treatment and several times throughout the course of treatment. These questionnaires are compiled and form a diagram for the specialist and the client to view as a visual aid to show how they have made progress throughout training sessions.
How many Sessions will I need?
Neurofeedback is not an instant process. It takes time for the brain to change and learn. Multiple sessions are required to see results. Often, once the brains is functioning more optimally with fewer symptoms, sessions can be reduced or eliminated.
There is no magic number. Just as every person is unique, the number of sessions will vary according to each person. Noticeable results typically occur between the third and tenth session. In general, 20 – 40 sessions are needed for the results to become permanent. Symptoms in some patients will resolve in a shorter time. Some require more training, some less. The goal is to complete enough sessions to ensure consistent and lasting benefits. A brain map can be generated at any time between sessions, so that you and your practitioner can visually see the progress your brain is making.


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